Parish Ministries and Programs
OCF: “Orthodox Christian Fellowship” This ministry seeks to keep college kids connected to Christ and the Church during their college years.
Youth and Young Adult: Youth Ministry is a relationship-based process by which youth gather in a relaxed, social venue to share the experience of being an Orthodox Christian with their peers and to learn how put their faith into action.
Philia: This group provides the women of the parish with opportunities for prayer, spiritual growth, service to our parish & our community.
Greeters: Greeters are parish members who share a strong desire to see that visitors are made to feel welcome and comfortable while visiting the church.
First Saturday Breakfast: On the first Friday and Saturday of each month a group gathers to prepare and provide meals for the homeless.
Youth and Adult Education: We are always learning and growing in our knowledge of God. We offer Bible Study, Church School, Inquirers Class, Catechism, and “Orthodoxy-101”.
Parish Council: The Parish Council assists the priest in the administration of the affairs and ministries of the parish.
Fundraising: A “Fundraising Committee” oversees and coordinates parish fundraisers.
Bookstore: The bookstore sells Orthodox items and is a form of outreach.
Missions/Evangelism: This team coordinates our parish’s efforts to “Go and make disciples of all nations…”
Care Ministry: This ministry looks at ways of caring and supporting individuals and families in times of need and crisis.
Prayer Circle: This group gathers regularly to pray for the world.
Prison Ministry: This group visits and ministers to those in prison, under the guidance of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM)
Other ministries, organizations & programs:
Stewardship; Music; Acolytes; Fellowship: