Father Jerry has served St. George since September 2007.
He was born in Philadelphia, PA and is the oldest of three children born to Greek immigrant parents. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy (Villanova University); a Master of Divinity degree (Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Theological School); a Master of Social Work degree (California State University at San Bernardino) and a Master’s certification in Health Services Administration (Eastern Washington University). Father Jerry worked with at-risk children and adolescents in numerous capacities prior to pursuing an interest in hospital work. Starting out as an Emergency Room social worker, Father worked his way to becoming an administrator of several hospital departments. In January of 1997, Father was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and served the Church on a part-time basis.
In November of 2002, Father was ordained to the Holy Priesthood and entered into full-time ministry work. Prior to coming to St. George, Father served as the Associate Priest at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon. In addition to serving at St. George, Father Jerry serves, on a part-time basis, the Greek Orthodox Mission in Salem and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Mission in Roseburg. He has led many youth and adult retreats, summer camps, and has devoted himself to hospital ministry, prison ministry, visiting shut-ins, supporting his brother priests, the study of church growth, strategic planning, and renewal. While in Portland Father was instrumental in the founding of Agia Sophia Academy, an Orthodox Christian School.
He and Presbytera Maria are blessed with two sons and a daughter.