The Greek Orthodox Community of Eugene was founded in February of 1977 when five families began meeting in hopes of establishing a Greek Orthodox Church. Prior to this date, the only Greek Orthodox Church in Oregon was Holy Trinity in Portland. With the help of clergy and laity, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in March of 1977. Regular monthly services began in May thanks to the Portland clergy who traveled south to serve the small but committed group of Orthodox Christians. Fundraising efforts soon followed and the first Greek Festival in Eugene was held in 1983. In 1987, a five-acre parcel of land was purchased at 202 Hillview 1 (current site).
The small group continued to meet for monthly services and were able to do so thanks to the kindness and hospitality of other Christian churches in the area who lent them space. Fundraising efforts also continued in earnest. In September of 1991, the first full-time priest (Fr. John Hondros) was assigned to the mission parish. Now with a full-time priest, the group of 35 families set about to formally establish an Orthodox presence in the Eugene/Springfield area. Groundbreaking for a multi-purpose hall on the land that was purchased took place on May 10,1992. On December 5,1993, the church was officially named, St. George Greek Orthodox Church.
By God’s grace and because of the hard work and dedication of the parishioners, the doors of the “multi-purpose” hall opened on May 8, 1994. Their love for God and the Church continued to “bear fruit” and soon more space was needed to meet the needs of the growing community. Construction began in 2004 on an addition that created five classrooms and extended kitchen and meeting space.
Today you will find a faithful group of 60 families who gather in a beautiful Orthodox church to worship God and to witness to what God has done in Eugene, Oregon. If you would like to visit St. George’ you can email Fr. Jerry, or call 541-683-3519.