Welcome to St. George Church!
Thank you for visiting the St. George Greek Orthodox Church website. We hope you find our site informative and edifying. We also invite you to join us for one of our liturgical services – services that have been part of the worshiping tradition of apostolic Christianity since the era of the “early Christian Church."
Our parish is more than just a place where people come to worship the living God (although it is first and foremost that!). St. George is a vibrant faith community of people of all ages and backgrounds who are working out their salvation together with fear and trembling in accordance with the commandments of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the sacred norms for spiritual life of the ancient Holy Eastern Orthodox Church. Many of our congregants journeyed to the Orthodox Church from other Christian faith traditions and denominations and some non-Christian religious and spiritual traditions. Whether you are “on a journey” or just wanting to visit a local Orthodox church you will be welcome at St. George. We are always honored to have visitors join us for prayer and worship.
We believe that our small church is the place where heaven strikes earth like lightening each Sunday and that ours is a church immersed in the unchanging Faith of the ages. We invite you to come and see the Light; to come and receive the Heavenly Spirit; and to come and find the True Faith, worshiping the Holy Trinity, Who has saved us.
Please join us each Saturday evening at 6 pm for Great Vespers and each Sunday for Orthros at 9 am and the Divine Liturgy at 1o am.
Father Gerasimos (Jerry)
Saint George is an Orthodox mission church. We are committed to placing Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior first in our daily lives. We are firmly rooted in the teaching of Holy Scripture and the unchanging Christian witness of the Early Church. We invite all to find their spiritual home here at Saint George. Join us for worship this Sunday!
For first time visitors to our site, and to our Church, we welcome you! This page contains some basic information about our parish and Orthodox worship for those who haven't experienced it yet. Many of the visitors and members of our Church come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Our experience is that expectations vary widely (and sometimes wildly), so this page will get you started. We also suggest that you visit our "For Inquirers" page to learn more about our parish and the Orthodox Faith. We are precisely the same Church across the globe, and across time, preaching the Gospel, teaching the Lord's commandments, and worshipping God in spirit and Truth just as we have these 2000 years. In fact, our newest service is 1,300 years old! To start with, we want you to know at least this much:
- You are welcome here: We are always honored to have visitors join us for prayer and worship.
- You won't be asked to do anything which would make you uncomfortable.
- We don't expect visitors to contribute anything financially.
- Our children worship with us: If you have young children, they are welcome here too. We expect Christian children to be raised in the Church and to do that, they have to be in the Church.
- All of our facilities are handicap accessible: If you need assistance, please let us know. We are here to be of service to you.
If you are an Orthodox Christian, and you have prepared yourself to receive Holy Communion, be sure to introduce yourself to Fr. Jerry before the service. You are welcome to approach for Holy Communion.
Don't forget that there is much more information on our "For Inquirers" page and I encourage you to visit that page to learn more.
Again, "Welcome"!