Prayers at the Birth of a Child
When you begin calling all your family and friends to announce the entry of a new soul into this life, make sure to call the Church office or the priest as well!
From the moment we enter this world, the Church is there for u s. The prayers on the day of birth are for the healing of the mother, the protection of the mother and child, and thanksgiving to God.
Prayers on the Eighth Day after Birth
On the eighth day after a child is born, the priest may be invited to the home to say the prayers for the eighth day after birth. On this day, the child receives his or her name, just as Jesus was named by his mother and adoptive father on the eighth day after his birth.
Churching of the Mother and Child after Forty Days
On the first S unday after the fortieth day of birth, the mother and father bring the child to the narthex of the Church. This usually takes place at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy, but can also be arranged prior to Holy Communion if the mother so desires. Prayers are said for the mother and the child, after which the child is presented in the Church. This service recalls the presentation of Christ in the temple on the fortieth day.
To make arrangements for the churching service, please contact the Church at 541-683-3519.