What you’re looking for is here.

What you’re looking for is here.

Orthodox Christianity is for those who are searching for a faith that embraces mystery, the ancient, and the sacred. It is for those seeking a true relationship with God. For those seeking, Orthodox worship is “an authentic encounter with the divine”.

The Orthodox Faith is…Ancient, Perpetual, Mysterious, Constant and Unchanging, Communal, Filled with Wonder, Deep and Transformative

Orthodoxy is a timeless and unchanging faith tradition. As we are faced with more and more things outside our control, God offers us something that the world cannot give us – His peace.



Great & Holy Lent

Great and Holy Lent for Orthodox Christians begins with Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday evening, March 2, 2025. We welcome you to “come and see” how Orthodox Christians participate in the Lenten journey and invite you to all the services. For a schedule of services for the Lenten Season please click on the link below. Looking [...]

St. George Learning Center

St. George Home School Community Learning Center is now accepting new student applications for the 2025 – 2026 Academic Year. Please review the attached enrollment information and submit applications by Monday, March 10th. Once received, we will contact you to set up a family meeting time in March. Feel free to forward this to others who may [...]

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Orthodoxy for? Orthodoxy is for those who are searching for the meaningful experience of worship. In Orthodoxy, we practice Christianity in the truest way, with the real presence of Christ, from our Holy Communion to reciting the very same prayers as the first Christians. We believe that in order to really be with [...]

Online Giving

Dear Ones, We are happy to announce that online giving is now set up! To give online, select the “Give” menu item, and you will be directed to our Tithe.ly giving platform. Thank you for your generous and faithful support of St. George Greek Orthodox Church!

Worship Services at St George

The Orthodox Church is constantly in prayer and in worship of the Holy Trinity and each parish participates in these to the best of their ability. Here at St George you can count on these worship services happening on a regular basis: Great Vespers every Saturday evening at 6 pm: The word “vespers” comes from [...]

Statement on the Sanctity of Life

Thursday, January 31, 2019 The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America affirms the sanctity of life based on the firm conviction that life begins at the moment of conception. The Assembly remains steadfast in its conviction that any interference in the development of life is a serious issue, and therefore [...]

Hank Hanegraaff Interview

On April 9, 2017, well-known Evangelical Bible teacher Hank Hanegraaff was chrismated and received into the Orthodox Christian Church. Shortly thereafter, he lost a substantial part of his long-time radio audience, was accused of leaving the Christian faith altogether, and was diagnosed with cancer. He continues to grow in his new-found faith, and we thought [...]

Daily Saints & Readings

Discovering Orthodox Christianity

Launched in November 2013, Discovering Orthodox Christianity is a series of talks, shows, and presentations designed to introduce and explain the basic teaching of Orthodox Christianity. Sponsored by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund the series covers a wide range of topics with the goal of educating the viewer in simple, easy to understand terms.

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